Choose from the options below to complete your donation
We use your gifts wisely, with 90 cents of every dollar going directly to their vacations and the LESLIE'S WEEK Educational Assistance Fund.
LESLIE'S WEEK donations are tax deductible. We are an IRS approved 501 (c) (3) tax exempt nonprofit public charity. When filing your tax returns, please provide your receipt and EIN #46-4899156, to your tax professional.
Thank you for your interest in establishing a fund with LESLIE'S WEEK. You may make a gift of almost any size, either during your lifetime or through a bequest. LESLIE'S WEEK offers flexible vehicles to meet your charitable objectives, accommodating individuals of modest means as well as those with substantial wealth. Every gift is one of consequence to Stage 4 Breast Cancer women and their families.
Types of Funds
Unrestricted Funds generate income from which discretionary grants are made to meet our mission and the needs of LESLIE'S KIDS Educational Assistance Fund.
Donor Advised Philanthropic Funds may bear your name or the name of someone you wish to honor or memorialize. You have the privilege of recommending charitable distributions.
Designated Funds may be established for a specific LESLIE'S WEEK project about which you care deeply.
Life Insurance Gifts enable you to make a substantial future endowment gift through tax deductible premium payments.
Contact the Founder, [email protected].

Please make your check payable to LESLIE’S WEEK and mail to:
PO Box 5856
Annapolis, MD 21403
If you would like to support one of our particular programs, please write it on the Memo line of your check.